What triggers are available on Vouchery?

Vouchery.io flexible reward rule engine gives endless possibilities to set the conditions in which a Consumer should get the reward.

Scroll down for some of the most common examples & use cases our Clients have implemented. Are you looking for something we don't yet provide? Reach out and we will make it happen.

Reward triggers

We provide the following types of triggers:

  • When the user is rewarded within a loyalty program scheme:
  • When the coupon code is generated upon specific action:


In the near future, we will also enable rewarding users automatically, based on particular basket conditions. It's in development, so stay tuned for that!

What database triggers you can use to generate the rewards or account the loyalty points?

ParameterUse case example
Customer no of transactionThe customer receives a coupon upon 10th transaction
Customer birthday
Customer anniversary
ReferralThe customer refers another Customer
SurveyThe customer receives a coupon after filling out the survey