Get available vouchers from all campaigns

Get array of objects

This endpoint makes it easier to display available promotions for the customer. It will return vouchers from particular promotions:

  • Vouchers from active generic campaigns ( displaying the first generic voucher active for the campaign)

  • Vouchers from campaigns with unique coupons (displaying the first voucher with a status: ‘Created’ from the campaign)

  • Vouchers that have been assigned to that customer already

However, we will exclude from that list those vouchers that the customer has already redeemed and is NOT eligible for anymore.

Important: When you request a Customer ID, which we don't have in our database, we will simply return voucher(s) from available active campaigns.


COMING SOON: Improved promo voucher query

To make querying the available promotions even more efficient, we will soon consider:

  • supporting a situation when the 'Customer Maximum Redemptions' per promotion limit is more than 1
  • considering customer segment restrictions when returning the available promos (we would exclude campaigns that don't match the customer segment category)
  • supporting time-frame restrictions
  • returning promotions based on the basket information, eg. related to product bundles
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!