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What does this rejection message mean: Redemption doesn't satisfy customermaxredemptions rule.

Hi there, I'm getting my voucher rejected when testing the Create a Redemption API request. The rejection message is: Redemption doesn't satisfy customermaxredemptions rule. How can I fix it?

Is it possible to combine and stack multiple discount or voucher codes in a single transaction on Vouchery?

Does Vouchery for multi-code redemption in a single transaction?

Validate voucher without redeeming it

How do i validate the voucher without redeeming it ?, can't find a way to validate if voucher is valid without doing the redemption, tried the two way redemption, even doing the unconfirmed redemption it still redeemed the voucher.

API call limit

Is there an api rate limit per plan ?

Insert Images for the campaigns and sub campaigns

Is there any way I can add images to campaign, I want to show vouchers images at my platform but I can't find anything to upload an image for the campaign.

Is it possible to delete a "rejected redemption" ?

I'm cleaning our account before going into production and erased all the successful redemptions via API but don't see the possibility of deleting the rejected one. Thanks, Rob