Loyalty Program promo
If you don't make an effort to keep your loyal customers, they might dump you for better deals.
Customer ID in the Redemptions overview table
We know you needed and there it is: you can see which Customer redeemed the offer in the Redemptions Overview list:
Redemptions overview
Hey, we've added all the coupon redemptions to a single view - head now to "Redemptions overview" to see and export your data from all combined campaigns!
Updates directly in the app!
We've added our "Product Updates" directly in the app - now you can see every new feature or bug fix in the bottom-left corner:
3....2....1... Voucher Countdown!
Few of you asked for that, so we made it - from now on you can set the "voucher countdown" as a voucher duration - that means the voucher will be valid for a particular period of time from generation - minutes, hours or days! To impose even more urgency on your Customer, simply display the time that has left to redeem the voucher. How to set it up? Start the discount campaign creation as usual, then at the Limitation step, enter "Duration":
Campaign Filtering
Hey hey,
As the list of Campaigns grows, we've added a campaign filtering where you can select to see campaigns with a particular status:
Campaign Archive
Hi there, we just added Campaign Archive so you can get rid of old campaigns. Keep in mind - only the inactive/finished campaign can be archived! To do that, go to the Details of the Discount Campaign you'd like to archive and find the "Archive" button next to the Campaign Status:
Uploading external coupon codes to Vouchery.io campaign
We know you work with various Partners, that's why we enabled you to upload the list of unique vouchers into the campaign, to pick them up via API. Each picked up voucher, will be counted as distributed, so you will still see the results in the Analytics part. Simply create a Discount and go to its details, upload button in on the right top:
Welcome to Vouchery.io
Big news today, we're starting a public changelog so you're always up to date with all the updates, improvements and fixes that are made in Vouchery App.